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Practice Management on Embodia - Part 1: Charting

Embodia allows you to generate generic documents that include general information that does not really fit into a patient chart. You can generate a document by typing all the information from scratch, or you can use a starting template.

To start a new document, from the patient profile, navigate to Communication > Documents:

Click on the New document button. If your clinic has defined document templates (more info below), you can choose a template to get you started. On the next page:

  • You can set the title and the body of the document.
  • If you have added your signature to Embodia, you can choose if you want to include your signature at the end of the document.
  • You can choose if you want to share the document with the patient so they can access it directly by signing in to their account.

You can export your documents to PDF. The PDF will display your clinic branding and information, if you have included it on your account. Learn how to add your clinic branding in this guide.


Defining document templates

The actions described in this lesson require a Manager permission in your clinic.

The clinic manager can define document templates if the documents you often generate follow the same outline. You can use merge tags to for dynamic information that can only be populated once a document is assigned to a patient.

To define your document templates, navigate to My clinic > Communication > Document templates:

Click on New template, and then provide the title and the body of the template.

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