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Knee Osteoarthritis Myths & Best Practice in Physiotherapy

Knee Osteoarthritis Myths & Best Practice in Physiotherapy

Knee Osteoarthritis Myths & Best Practice in Physiotherapy

This course includes
Lifetime access after purchase
Certificate of completion
This course was recorded in July 2019


Our understanding of the etiology and management of knee osteoarthritis is quickly evolving. This online physiotherapy course will debunk several knee osteoarthritis myths, provide clinicians with a better understanding of the complex etiology of knee osteoarthritis, and provide an update on the evidence-based recommendations from several international guidelines on the conservative management of knee osteoarthritis.

A second course by Anthony Teoli is available on Embodia: Knee Osteoarthritis Management – An Evidence-Based Update for Physiotherapists. A brief outline of what's included in each course and the differences is outlined below.

Knee Osteoarthritis Myths & Best Practice in Physiotherapy:

Knee Osteoarthritis Management – An Evidence-Based Update for Physiotherapists

  • No info on clinical assessment of OA
  • Exercise recommendation slide (dosage)
  • More in-depth recommendations regarding weight loss
  • Discusses adjunct Tx and surgical management (Knee Osteoarthritis Myths & Best Practice in Physiotherapy does not)


Relevance to Physiotherapy Practice

There is a strong push towards evidence-based practice in physiotherapy. A number of international guidelines (OARSI, EULAR, NICE, and ACR) providing evidence-based recommendations on the conservative management of knee osteoarthritis are currently available to clinicians. However, current research indicates that clinical practice does not reflect these recommendations.

Evidence-based guidelines have the potential to improve the quality of care provided by clinicians by promoting the use of effective interventions and discouraging unnecessary and ineffective interventions. Consequently, there is a need for better dissemination of international guideline recommendations for the conservative management of knee osteoarthritis in order to ensure optimum guideline adherence.


Learning Objectives

  1. Gain a better understanding of the complex etiology of knee osteoarthritis, and identify important risk factors contributing to disease initiation and progression.
  2. Understand and integrate current recommendations from international guidelines regarding best practice in the conservative management of knee osteoarthritis.
The instructors
Canadian Physiotherapy Association

As the vital partner for the profession, the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) leads, advocates, and inspires excellence and innovation to promote health. CPA’s goal is to provide exceptional service, valuable information and connections to the profession of physiotherapy, across Canada and around the world.

Anthony Teoli
MScPT, Physiotherapist
Anthony Teoli graduated from McGill University in 2016 with a Master's of Science in Physical Therapy. Anthony currently works as a physiotherapist at CBI Concordia Sport Physio, a private physiotherapy clinic located in Laval, Quebec. He is also the President and Founder of InfoPhysiotherapy (, an online platform dedicated to providing evidence-based continuing education for physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals worldwide. Anthony is currently completing his PhD in Rehabilitation Science at McGill University. His current research involves better understanding mechanisms of non-traumatic and post-traumatic knee osteoarthritis initiation and progression, clinical outcomes in patients post total knee arthroplasty, gait biomechanics and knowledge translation. Anthony has presented his research and has presented on best practice for knee osteoarthritis management at provincial, national and international conferences.
Material included in this course
  • Myth Busters In Knee OA
  • PowerPoint for Knee OA Myths & Best Practice
  • Introduction
  • Is Knee OA Just Wear & Tear?
  • Is Knee OA a Disease of the Elderly?
  • Can We Reduce the Risk of OA?
  • Can a Diagnosis of Knee OA be made Without a Radiograph?
  • Do Individuals with more Severe OA Report Higher Levels of Pain?
  • Is Loading Bad for the Knee?
  • Does Running Cause Knee OA?
  • Quiz
  • Knee OA Best Practice In Physiotherapy
  • Exercise
  • Weight Management
  • Patient Education
  • References and Questions
  • Feedback
  • Quiz
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