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Managing my practitioner account

We've launched a new feature that enables special pricing for students and new grads on certain courses and webinars.

In order to qualify for the free student/new grad pricing, please follow the steps outlined below. 

  1. Go to the avatar (initials or photo in the top right corner) and then to My info:

    Student and New Grad Pricing on Embodia

  2. Go to the Graduation evidence tab and click on Submit evidence:

    Student and New Grad Pricing on Embodia

  3. Follow the steps outlined. The Embodia team will then review your information. Once reviewed, you will see a note on your account about the status of your application:

Student and New Grad Pricing on Embodia


The student/new grad pricing will be displayed directly on your account on Embodia. For example, here's what you will see on a webinar page that has special pricing for students/new grads that you qualify for:

Student and New Grad Pricing on Embodia


Note: In this example, we are showing free pricing for students/new grads. This may not always be the case. The price (and discounts) on courses and webinars are up to Embodia Instructors. They may provide a discount rather than offering their content for free.

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