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Train the Trainer Part 2 - Create your Course on Embodia

Surveys can be used to collect information about the course attendees including attendee feedback and demographic information.

To create a survey, click Add Course Material > New Survey.

Adding Surveys to your Course on Embodia

Give your Survey a Title and choose the release date. You can also change which Category the Survey belongs to:

Adding Surveys to your Course on Embodia

After clicking the Create Survey button you will be taken to a blank survey page. Here you can begin to add questions by clicking Add Question.

Adding Surveys to your Course on Embodia

There are 3 types of questions you can use. Each type offers a different means for the attendee to respond to the question being asked.

  1. Free Text: provides a text box and the attendee can write anything they like 

  2. Single Answer: the attendee can select one of the options provided

  3. Multiple Answers: the attendee can select more than one of the responses provided. Multiple Answer questions have the same functions as Single Answer questions; The key difference between Multiple Answer and Single Answer questions is that a Single Answer question allows the attendees to select one answer only and Multiple Answer questions allow the attendee to select as many answers as they like.


Adding Surveys to your Course on Embodia

Here is an example of a Free Text survey question:

Adding Surveys to your Course on Embodia


Here's an example of a Single Answer survey question:

Adding Surveys to your Course on Embodia

Here's an example of a Multiple Answer survey question:

Adding Surveys to your Course on Embodia


To add answers, click on the 3 horizontal dots next to the question and select New Option:


Adding Surveys to your Course on Embodia
By clicking on the 3 horizontal dots, you can add a New Option (New Answer), Edit the question, or Delete the question:

Adding Surveys to your Course on Embodia

When you choose New Option, you can enter the answer and can choose to allow the attendees to add an explanation along with their answer by checking off this box:

Adding Surveys to your Course on Embodia

This is how a course attendee would see your survey: 

Adding Surveys to your Course on Embodia 

To learn how to analyze your survey results, visit Train the Trainer Part 5: Analytics.

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