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Home Exercise Programs (HEP) on Embodia

How patients/clients find their exercises

If your patient asks you to 'resend' them their exercise program, but they have an active exercise program you may need to explain the following to them.

The exercises exist in a patient's Embodia account. The email that a patient receives lets them know a new exercise program has been prescribed to them. The email does not contain the exercises. 

So, the patient just needs to login to Embodia to view their exercise program. 

If you are adding exercises to an existing program, the patient will NOT receive an email. The patient's exercises live in their Embodia account, so they need to login to view the new exercises. 

Note: You can see if a patient has an active program on Embodia by going to My Patients and clicking on your patient's name. Go to Programs > Active.

Patient's active programs on Embodia


To restart an exercise program that has ended

All exercise programs on Embodia have an end date. Once a program has ended you can 'restart' it so that it lives on your patient's dashboard of exercises to complete.

Go to My Patients and click on your patient's name. Go to Programs > Completed. Here you will see a list of all completed programs (i.e.: programs that have ended).

Completed programs on HEP

Click on the program that you would like to restart, then follow one of the two options outlined below.

Option 1: Update the start date of the exercise(s) in the program

Click on the drop-down icon next to the Completed exercises as shown below. Then click on the Edit icon as shown below.

Update start time of exercise on Embodia


Option 2: Turn the program into a template and prescribe it to your patient as a new program

Go to the bottom of the completed program page and click More > Turn into a template.

Turning a completed program into a template on Embodia

Once you have turned the program into a template you can easily prescribe it to your patient.

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