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Telerehabilitation on Embodia

Consult summary for your clinic account vs. for your personal account

If you are a clinic manager, you can view consult summaries for all clinicians in the clinic.
If you have a personal account, there will not be an option listed to view consult summaries for other clinicians, and you will only be able to view your own consult summaries. 

The steps to generate and view consult summaries are the same for both clinic and personal accounts, with one difference in where you navigate. This is outlined in greater detail below. 

You can view a summary of your consults by clicking on Consults > Export > Summary of consults (Clinic managers go to Consults > Export > Summary of consults > For the clinic account).

Generating a consultation summary for a clinic on Embodia

Select the time frame you would like a summary of by setting a start date and end date, then clicking Filter. Now, click the Download CSV button to generate a summary document of your consults that will automatically be downloaded to your computer. 

Viewing a summary of your consultations on Embodia


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